Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee

Palm Beach Atlantic University research involving the use of animals as subjects is subject to the review and regulations of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).


This committee conducts animal care facility site visits, evaluates programs of animal care, reviews animal study proposals, and ensures through staff development activities that people who work with laboratory animals are appropriately trained. The IACUC provides technical oversight on compliance standards and supports University animal resource departments.

The Palm Beach Atlantic University adheres to regulations set forth by U.S. Government agency requirements for the testing, research, or training procedures involving the use of vertebrate animals. These policies are defined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Compliance with all of these policies is monitored by the IACUC. The IACUC has the authority to halt any research or teaching activity where individual instances of abuse of animals have been investigated and verified.

All the forms and documents needed for the use of animal subjects in research and teaching to assure compliance with all local and federal regulations are contained in Canvas.  Please use the checklist provided in the ‘Modules‘ section to begin the process.

Research Integrity And Compliance

Palm Beach Atlantic University considers the assurance of responsible and ethical conduct of research an institutional priority. To achieve this goal, Palm Beach Atlantic University has implemented institutional goals that:

  • Promotes an institutional culture of integrity in research;
  • Raises faculty, staff, and students’ awareness about the responsible and ethical conduct of research;
  • Provides resources to assist faculty, staff, and students desiring to make responsible and ethical decisions about research;
  • Achieves compliance with the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) training and oversight requirements in the responsible and ethical conduct of research.

Reporting Alleged Research Misconduct and Animal Protocol Violations

Reporting And Investigating Animal Welfare Concerns

The humane care and use of animals are of paramount importance to Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA), including the Gregory School of Pharmacy and all animal research laboratories at the university. Any employee has the right and responsibility to bring forth concerns related to the use of animals in teaching and research without the threat of reprisal.  This policy provides the mechanism and assurance for expressing those concerns. Individuals who may have specific concerns about animal care and treatment are encouraged to report their concerns by calling or in writing to one of the following:

1. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Written reports may be addressed to the Chair or other committee members, including the Attending Veterinarian via the Gregory School of Pharmacy, Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. A current roster of IACUC members may be obtained from the Chair of the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (561-803-2757).

2. Institutional Official (Dean, Gregory School of Pharmacy, PBA)

Written reports may be addressed to: the Office of the Dean, Gregory School of Pharmacy, Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, (561-803-2701).

Reports should be as specific as possible, i.e., date, time, species involved, animal/project identification number, and the names of the PBA personnel involved, if possible. Individuals generating a report of concern shall not be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for generating the report. Individuals who desire anonymity may be certain that the IACUC will handle a report of concern in confidence to the extent permitted by law.

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